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Alex Brod
Alex Brod

Areas with painting services

When I decided to do some cosmetic repairs in my apartment, I realized that it would be important to find a company that works in my area. After trying several options, I came across painters and decorators Streatham, where it was clearly shown which areas the company services. Thanks to this, I knew for sure that they could come to my work at any convenient time. After the craftsmen arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by their professionalism and attention to detail. The renovation was completed on time, and the result really impressed me. These are truly experienced specialists who can be trusted.

Alex Brod
Alex Brod

Where to order office meeting rooms?

When our company switched to an open space, everyone was happy, but over time it became clear that privacy in such conditions is minimal. I started looking for ways to improve the environment and came across a great article that explains three types of privacy how to create privacy in an open plan office. In it, I found solutions that were perfect for our team. Implementing these recommendations helped to increase the comfort level in the office, and work processes became more coordinated. We now spend less time solving organizational problems and more on real tasks.

1 hour ago

Hello! An open office is, of course, convenient, but over time you realize that it is more difficult to work without personal space. Constant noise, people moving around, and lack of privacy greatly affect concentration. If you do not create comfortable conditions, productivity inevitably drops, and fatigue accumulates faster. It is good that there are solutions that make open space more comfortable.

Анастасия Фурманова
Анастасия Фурманова


Перегляньте асортимент магазину Девайс Маркет, якщо Вам потрібно купити смартфон в Україні Тут представлений великий вибір сучасних смартфонів від провідних виробників, які підходять для будь-яких потреб – від повсякденного користування до роботи та ігор. Магазин пропонує потужні моделі з якісними камерами, ємними батареями та швидкими процесорами, а також бюджетні варіанти з оптимальними характеристиками. Ціни у магазині вигідні, а всі товари супроводжуються офіційною гарантією.


瓶中夏日:由Kilian展示新香水Sunkissed Goddess

繼《Born To Be Unforgettable》這款香水之後,法國香水品牌By Kilian推出了一款名為《Sunkissed Goddess》的新作品。它將加入 Les Fleurs Narcotiques 系列,創意總監 Kilian Hennessy “探索花朵的不同方面,尤其是那些明顯性感的方面”。

“推出新的夏季香水Sunkissed Goddess,靈感來自tiare花。我們的創始人Kilian Hennessy再次採用這種波利尼西亞成分,賦予這款香水無與倫比的光彩,帶有清新迷人的花香,將與夏季相關的感官回憶帶入生活。Sunkissed Goddess 讓人想起夏天、防曬油和陽光照射皮膚的溫暖。

Sunkissed Goddess的靈感來源於海濱生活以及椰子油中浸透的莫諾依Monoï油和佳蕾花的醉人芳香,將陽光和夏日的精髓裝入瓶中。該品牌表示,創始人基利安-軒尼詩Kilian Hennessy希望重新審視這種波利尼西亞精油,賦予其清新花香的卓越光澤。這款香水有望捕捉夏日、日光浴油和陽光照射在皮膚上的溫暖氣息。




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