Legal work

I am Professor Emeritus of Risk at Queen Mary University of London (retired as Full Professor Dec 2022) and a Director of Agena, a company that specialises in artificial intelligence and Bayesian probabilistic reasoning. I’m a mathematician by training with current focus on quantifying risk and uncertainty using causal, probabilistic models that combine data and knowledge (Bayesian networks). I have published 7 books and over 400 peer reviewed articles. My works covers multiple domains including especially law and forensics (I've been an expert witness in major criminal and civil cases), and health. Since 2020 I have been active in analysing data related to Covid risk.
PhD (1981) in Mathematics, Sheffield University
MSc (1979), in Mathematics, Sheffield University
BSc (Class I) in Mathematics, University of London (LSE) 1978
CEng Chartered Engineer, Member of the IET, 1987 - 2022
CMath Chartered Mathematician, Fellow of the IMA (AFIMA 1988, FIMA 1998)
FBCS Fellow of the BCS (British Computer Society), 2005 - 2022
FHEA Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, since June 2019
Completed Expert Witness Training with Bond Solon under the auspices of Cardiff University Law Dept (2007-2008)
2000-2022 Professor (School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science), Queen Mary University of London. Director of Risk and Information Management Research Group
1998- Director of Agena Ltd, Cambridge (CEO from 1998-2015)
1992-2000 Professor of Computing Science, City University (CSR)
1989-1992 Reader in Software Reliability, City University (CSR)
1984-1989: South Bank University: Reader and Director of the Centre for Software & Systems Engineering
1988 Visiting Researcher GMD, Bonn, Germany
1982-84 Post Doctoral Research Fellow (Mathematics), Oxford University (also member of Wolfson College)
1981-82 Post Doctoral Research Fellow (Mathematics), University College Dublin
1975-76 (and part-time 1976-1979) Sales Administration, Hedges and Butler Wine Merchants
Other positions
Emeritus Professor, Queen Mary University of London since Jan 2023
Advisory Board Koop Technologies, since Oct 2020
Turing Fellow (Fellow of the Turing Institute) July 2018 - August 2021
Director of Aldgate Analytics Ltd, since 2015
Visiting Lecturer, University College London (annual MSc lecture on Bayes and the Law) since 2014
Affiliated Professor to the University of Haifa, Israel since 2007
Member of EPSRC Computing College 1994-2003, and 2005 to current
Simons Fellow, Isaac Newton Institute Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University, July-Dec 2016.
Presenter, BBC award winning Documentary "Climate Change by Numbers" 2014-2015